Ethnographic Catalog Table Definitions
The Ethnographic Catalog for the IMNH database consists of two interconnected tables. One is a table designed to contain information specific to just ethnographically collected artifacts. This table is called 'EthnographicCatalog.' The other table in this relationship contains information common to all the items contained within the IMNH Anthropology collections, and is called 'AnthropologyCatalog.'

The relationship between the two tables is supplied through the common field CatalogNumber.

In order to distinguish between fields, the table name is typically pre-pended to the field name. For example, to select the field 'AccessionNumber' you would select 'AnthropologyCatalog.AccessionNumber.'
Click here for an Authoritative list of database entries.

Table: Anthropology Catalog
Table: Ethnographic Catalog
Name Type Size
CatalogNumber Text 15
AccessionNumber Text 8
ItemNumber Long Integer 4
TemporaryNumber Text 12
OtherNumber Text 15
Part Text 5
CollectionName Text 50
ObjectName Text 35
Modifier Text 35
AlternateName Text 35
PrimaryFunctionCategory Text 35
SecondaryClassification Text 35
Culture Text 35
Materials Text 20
Decorations Text 50
ProductionMethod Text 35
Measurements Text 50
Attribution Text 50
Condition Text 25
Description Memo -
Associations Memo -
ProvenanceObjectHistory Memo -
Comments Memo -
CataloguedBy Text 35
CatalogueDate Date/Time 8
DataEntryBy Text 35
DataEntryDate Date/Time 8
Name Type Size
CatalogNumber Text 15
YearNumber Integer 2
TransactionNumber Long Integer 4
DocumentFile Text 25
CultureArea Text 15
State Text 14
County Text 25
City Text 20
Reservation Text 35
Local Text 35
ProbableDate Text 25