(Northern Pygmy-owl)
6 3/4-7 1/2" (17-19 cm).
A very small owl with long, finely barred tail. Small round head has no ear
tufts and two white-edged black spots at back of neck suggesting eyes. Brown
with fine buff spotting on head and streaked
flanks; white spots on wings; bolder brown streaks on white belly and breast.
Eyes clear yellow.
Similar Species- Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
A series of hollow whistles
ending with 2-3 deliberate notes on one pitch. Also a rapid trill or rattle.
Resident from British Columbia,
south through western U.S., interior Mexico, and Guatemala to central Honduras,
and east to Colorado, central New Mexico, and western Texas. Possibly breeds
in southeastern Alaska.
Found in dense forests or open woodlands
in foothills and mountains; frequents meadows while foraging. Usually found
in vicinity of forest opening, rather than in unbroken, dense forest.
Feeds mainly on mice and large
insects, but will also eat other small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
Chiefly diurnal; most activity at dawn
and dusk. Glides/dives down from elevated perch to capture prey. In Idaho, forages
diurnally more than other forest owls. caches food. Nests in natural
or abandoned cavity in standing snag. Tends to be solitary, or in highly dispersed
pairs or faily groups throughout year. Reported territory size: 0.2-4 km2 (Europe).
Maximum reported density: 4.2 territories/10 km2
(Europe). May display seasonal elevation migration.
Element Code: | ABNSB08010 |
Status: | Protected nongame species |
Global Rank: | G5 |
State Rank: | S4 |
National Rank: | N4N5 |
State References:
Hayward, G.D. 1983. Resource partitioning
among six forest owls in The River of No Return Wilderness, Idaho. M.S. Thesis,
Univ. Idaho, Moscow. 132pp.