Poecile hudsonicus
(Boreal Chickadee)

Order: Passeriformes
Order Description: Passerines
Family: Paridae
Family Description: Chickadees and Titmice

Physical Description:
5-5 1/2" (13-14 cm). Brown crownClick word for definition, black eye-stripe, white cheeks, gray nape, black throat. Brown back; brownish-red flanksClick word for definition; gray wings and tail; white breast.

Similar Species- Chestnut-backed, Black- capped, and Mountain chickadees.

A lazy shick-a-day-day.

Resident from western and central Alaska, east to northern Saskatchewan and Labrador, and south to Washington, Montana, Minnesota, and northern New England. Wanders irregularly south after breeding season.

Found in borealClick word for definition coniferousClick word for definition and mixed forests, in muskegClick word for definition bogs, in vicinity of white cedar and hemlock swamps, and in birches and streamside willows. In Idaho, prefers open, subalpine forests in northern part of state, but is also found in low, dense montane forests.

Eats conifer and birch seeds, and eggs, immature stages, and adults of insects.

Nests in natural or excavated cavity in tree or standing snag. Forages in foliage. Forms mixed-species flocks in winter.

Female incubatesClick word for definition 4-9 eggs (usually 6-7), for 11-16 days. Young are tended by both parents, and leave nest at 18 days.

Element Code: ABPAW01060
Status: Protected nongame species
Global Rank: G5
State Rank: S1

Important State References:
Taylor, D.M. and C.H. Trost. 1987. The status of rare birds in Idaho. Murrelet 68:69-93.

Original images provided byH.R. Spendelow Jr.,© 2000
Design by Ean Harker©1999, 2000.
Written by Jason Karl, 2000.