Alternate Common Names:Cedar
Hairstreak, Olive Hairstreak.
Note: Some authors consider this species to be a complex of several
species or subspecies.
This species ranges from southern British Columbia south through most of Washington
and part of northern Idaho, through
the Cascades of Oregon and into California.
It occurs in coniferous forests.
Caterpillars feed on incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens) and
western red cedar (Thuja plicata).
Butterflies drink flower nectar.
There is only one generation of caterpillars each summer. Each undergoes
five to seven stages of growth, called instars. The caterpillar is equipped with
a honey gland, also known as a dorsal nectary organ, which
emits a sugary solution agreeable to ants. The ants feed on the solution and
in turn protect the caterpillar from predators. The caterpillars are colored
in such a way that they mimic the foliage tips of their host plant. Pupae overwinter in a physiological state called
diapause. Adults generally fly
from May through July. The thin "tail" on each of the hindwings of
adults is thought to mimic insect antennae and thus misleads bird predators
into biting at the wrong end and only getting a mouthful of wing, while the
butterfly escapes in the other direction.
Although not officially reported, males are thought to
perch to wait for receptive
females. Eggs are laid singly on the tips of host plant foliage.
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Global Rank: | G5; Population levels are secure, but may be of concern in the future. |
Ferris, C. D. and F. M. Brown. (eds.) 1981. Butterflies of the Rocky Mountain States. Univ. of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma, USA, 442 pp.
Opler, P. A., H. Pavulaan, and R. E. Stanford. 1995. Butterflies of North America. Jamestown, North Dakota, USA: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Home Page. (Version 05Nov98).
Opler, P. A. and A. B.Wright. 1999. A Field Guide to the Western Butterflies. Second Edition. Peterson Field Guide Series. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, New York, USA, 540 pp.
Pyle, R. M. 1981. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Butterflies. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, New York, USA, 924 pp.
Scott, J. A. 1986. The Butterflies of North America. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, USA, 583 pp.
Stanford, R. E. and P. A. Opler. 1993. Atlas of Western U.S.A. Butterflies (Including Adjacent Parts of Canada and Mexico). Published by authors, Denver, Colorado, USA, 275 pp.