(Western Pondhawk)
This is a small naiad
with a length of 5/8 to 3/4 inch (15 to 17 mm). The abdomen is rounded, giving
it a short, stocky appearance known as the sprawler form. The color is a uniform
green, and there are no hooks or spines on any of the abdominal segments.
This is a medium-sized dragonfly with a length
of 1 5/8 to 1 11/16 inches (40 to 42 mm). The body
appears thick and somewhat stubby. Females
and immature males are a uniform bright green from the face to the tip of the
abdomen, while mature males are covered with a powdery slate blue (a condition
called "pruinose"). The sides of the thorax may have several small patches of
hazy green.
This species is found from
southern British Columbia east to Alberta, extending south to southern California.
In Idaho, it occurs throughout the state at lower elevations.
This dragonfly can be
found near warm, marshy lakes and ponds.
Adult Flight Season:
Mid-April to
early October
Naiads feed on a wide variety of aquatic insects, such as mosquito larvae, other
aquatic fly larvae, mayfly larvae, and freshwater shrimp. They will also eat
small fish and tadpoles.
The dragonfly will eat almost any soft-bodied flying insect including mosquitoes,
flies, butterflies, moths, mayflies, and flying ants or termites.
The naiads live in submerged
vegetation. They do not actively pursue prey but wait for it to pass by, a strategy
which affords them protection from other predators. Naiads emerge as adults
at night. Adults generally fly from mid-April to early October. This species
has large, powerful mandibles for its size, and often eats comparatively large
insects, such as butterflies and other dragonflies. Adults hunt from perches
on twigs or rocks.
After males and females
mate, the female flies singly, without the male attached, to lay her eggs. She
does this by dipping the tip of her abdomen in the water while hovering just
above its surface.
are widespread, abundant, and secure.
Status: | Unprotected nongame species |
Global Rank: | G5 |
State Rank: | S? |
Corbet, P. S. 1999.
Dragonflies: Behavior and Ecology of Odonata. Cornell University Press, Ithaca,
New York, USA, 829pp.
Logan, E. R. 1967. The Odonata of Idaho. Unpublished M. S. thesis. University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA, 105 pp.
Needham, J. G. and M. J. Westfall. 1955. Dragonflies of North America. University of California Press, Berkely, California, USA, 615 pp.
Paulson, D. R. 1999. Dragonflies of Washington. Seattle Audubon Society, Seattle, Washington, USA, 32 pp.
Walker, E. M. and P. S. Corbet. 1975. The Odonata of Canada and Alaska, Vol. III. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 307 pp.