(Grizzly or Brown
Grizzly bears are called “grizzly”
because of the white or frosted tips of the hair on their upper side.This gives
them a “grizzled” appearance. They
have a range of colors, from some being almost black, much like a black bear,
to grizzled brown, to a blonde or
even almost a chocolate brown color.They
are larger than black bears, their adult weight ranges from 325 to 1700 pounds
(150-785 kg).The wide range of weight occurs because coastal bears in Canada
and Alaska have an abundance of food from spawning salmon, while bears living
in the interior in places like Glacier and Yellowstone Parks rarely weigh more
than 550 to 600 pounds.A distinguishing difference is the line of the forehead
to the snout is concave (rather than straight in the black bear), and adults
have a fairly distinct hump across their shoulders.Their claws are much longer,
up to 4 inches in adult grizzlies, which helps distinguish the track from a
black bear.Total length is 6 to 7 feet (180-213 cm), tail length is about 3
inches (76 mm).
Historically, the grizzly ranged over most of
western North America, except in very dry regions.It currently is found in Alaska, northern and western Canada, the
Cabinet-Yaak mountains of northwestern Montana, the Northern Continental Divide
Ecosystem in Montana (Glacier Park region), the Selkirk Mountains in on the
Montana and Idaho northern border, the northern Cascades (Washington), and the
Yellowstone Park ecosystem(Wyoming/Montana/Idaho).It is most common in Alaska parts of Canada in large wilderness
areas.In the lower 48 states (those
south of Canada) the grizzly bear’s range is estimated to be 1 to 2 percent
of its former range, and its population may be as low as 1 percent of it historic
population size.
Mostly arctic or alpine tundra and subalpine mountain
forests. In Idaho, occupies lodgepole pine/Douglas-fir forests near Yellowstone,
and cedar/hemlock, spruce-fir, lodgepole/larch, and shrub fields in Selkirk
Mountains. In the southeastern part of Idaho, adjacent to Yellowstone, grizzlies
are still occasionally attracted to garbage left in the open by ill informed
recreationists.This usually leads to the bear either being killed or captured
and transported elsewhere.
The grizzly is certainly
considered a carnivore, but its diet is dominated by plant material. It also
eats carrion, especially in the early
spring after emerging from hibernation
, mammals, fish, insects,
and garbage. In the Yellowstone area a study found ungulate
remains composed major
part of early season diet, graminoids
(grasses) dominated in
May and June, and whitebark pine seeds were important in late season prior to
; berries composed minor
portion of scats
in all seasons. Selkirk
study reported extensive feeding on huckleberries in summer.Grizzly bears prey
on elk and moose calves in the spring when the calves are first born.By the
end of 4 weeks after birth, elk calves can usually outrun grizzlies.Grizzlies
rarely prey on adult ungulates, unless the animal is wounded or unhealthy.Most
adults can outrun a bear.
Grizzlies tend to be
crepuscular, their least activity
occurs at midday, but much individual variation exists. Like black bears, they
often rest in day beds in forest cover.They hibernate
and enter dens in October
and November, emerging in April and May (in Idaho, hibernation
occurs October through
April).They typically dig their own den, usually on steep northern slope where
snow accumulates. They rarely use the same den more than once.Individuals may
congregate in areas with abundant food, but are otherwise solitary, except when
breeding or caring for young.Males do not help care for young.A Yellowstone
region study found that berry crop scarcity and large pine seed crop fluctuations
were major factors limiting bear density. In the fall, prior to hibernation
, whitebark pine nuts are
a preferred source of food.Their home range exhibits much variation among areas,
seasons, and individuals.A Selkirk mountain study reported adult home ranges
of 226 to 454 km2, with male range generally larger than a female's.
Density of the Selkirk population was about 1 bear per 40 km2.
Mortality in Selkirk population is primarily due to illegal shooting.In the
Yellowstone region, a major source of mortality occurs during the elk season.Grizzlies
are attracted to elk carcasses left by hunter, often while the hunters are transporting
part of their elk to their camps.Upon return the hunter may find a grizzly feeding
on the elk that the hunter shot, and an aggressive grizzly usually ends up being
shot.Educational programs are now trying to convince hunter to use pepper spray
rather than guns to chase off the grizzly.Grizzlies are fast runners.They can
run down elk calves, and they have been clocked at speeds over 30 mph.Obviously,
a human cannot outrun them, and one shouldn’t try.We all know that in contrast
to black bears, grizzlies can’t climb trees.Not true!There have been a number
of observations of young grizzlies climbing trees, and on one instance in Alaska,
actually climbing a tree to attack a human who had retreated up a tree.They
are not as adept at climbing as black bears, and it seems that only smaller
grizzlies climb.While their populations in the lower 48 states are low, they
have recently stabilized.The enactment of the Endangered
Species Act
probably prevented the
extinction of grizzlies in the lower 48 states.
Grizzlies breed late
spring-early summer, the females at 2 to 4 yr intervals. During courtship and
mating, the males may be with a female for up to two weeks. Implantation of the fertilized egg
is delayed; Gestation
lasts about 184 days.Young
are born in hibernation
in January. Litter
size varies from 1 to
4 (average 2). Young remain with their mother first two winters, but are usually
forced to leave in the spring when the female is courted by a male. Females
breed first at 5 to 6 years of age, in their southern range, 6 to 9 years in
the north.With such a low reproductive
and loss of habitat, it
is no wonder that their populations are endangered.
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Global Rank: | G4 |
State Rank: | S1 |
Important State References:
McCracken, J.G., D. Goble and
J. O'Laughlin. 1994. Grizzly bear recovery in Idaho. Idaho Forest, Wildlife
and Range Policy Analysis Group. Univ. of Idaho. Moscow. 110pp.