(Striped Whipsnake)
Key Characteristics |
Large eyes with round pupils |
Long, slender body |
Light stripes contrasting with a dark ground color |
Rapid moving |
Striped Whipsnakes
are long, slender snakes that have prominent
eyes with round pupils. Like Racers, Striped Whipsnakes rely on visual
cues to aid them in locating prey, and they will elevate their head to gain
a better view. Striped Whipsnakes have smooth scales and charcoal
to black dorsal ground color. The ground color is broken by light-colored
lateral stripes, and the head has both light and dark markings. Striped
Whipsnakes have a light ventral coloration (white to cream), that gains a pinkish
hue posteriorly and on the tail. These snakes are often seen fleetingly,
due to their speed and the optical illusion created by their striped pattern.
The stripes mask the motion and speed of the snake until the tail disappears
in the brush. If captured, these snakes are aggressive and usually will
not hesitate to bite. Perhaps this behavior is the source of their generic
name Masticophis, which means biting/chewing snake.
In our area, Striped Whipsnakes are one of the longest snake species, although not the largest, as Gopher Snakes are heavier and may reach up to 170 cm (Charles R. Peterson, pers. com. 1998). Adult Striped Whipsnakes can reach lengths of over 1.5 m (5 ft.) (Storm and Leonard 1995).
Striped Whipsnakes mate in the spring and then lay 3-10 eggs, which hatch in late summer early fall (Storm and Leonard 1995). Juvenile Striped Whipsnakes resemble adults.
Striped Whipsnakes
are found in desert
areas with brush (sage, greasewood, etc.) or grass, and I often find them
in areas that have a rock
In Idaho, Striped Whipsnakes
are restricted to the southwest and south-central portions of the state.
From Washington through Great Basin to New
Mexico, Texas, and central Mexico.
Young eat mainly lizards. Adults eat
mostly lizards and snakes, but may also eat small mammals, insects, and small
Terrestrial and arboreal. Hibernates/aestivates
underground or in deep crevices during cold weather. Little information is available
for the Northwest. Active from late March to October in Utah; hibernation
begins in September or October. In Utah study, population density was determined
to be about 0.1-0.3/ha (excluding snakes less than 1 yr old). Individuals hunt
with heads held high off ground. Some individuals live 10-20 yr.
Mating occurs in April and May. Female
lays clutch of 3-12 eggs, from June to July depending on range. Eggs hatch in
50-57 days (August or September). Females reach sexual maturity in 2-3 yr.
Status: |
Unprotected nongame species |
Global Rank: |
State Rank: |
S4 |
Important State References:
Diller, L.V. and D.R. Johnson.
1982. Ecology of reptiles in the Snake River Birds of Prey Area. USDI Bur. Land
Manage. Snake River Birds of Prey Research Project, Boise. 107pp.