For monthly and annual means, thresholds, and sums:
 Months with  5 or more missing   days are not considered
 Years  with  1 or more missing months are not considered

Station:(107049) PIERCE RANGER STN        
From Year=1913 To Year=1962                                   #Day-Max #Day-Min
       Averages         Daily Extremes         Mean Extremes   >=   =<   =<  =<
    Max  Min Mean  High---Date  Low---Date   High-Yr  Low-Yr   90   32   32   0
Ja 31.8 13.7 22.6  59  08/1945 -34  20/1937  33.7 34  5.7 49  0.0 13.3 30.5  5.5
Fe 37.9 18.1 28.0  61  17/1948 -44  09/1933  37.9 34 18.3 36  0.0  4.6 27.9  2.6
Ma 44.6 22.1 33.3  73  19/1928 -24  05/1955  43.6 34 23.9 55  0.0  1.2 30.0  1.1
Ap 54.7 27.9 41.5  93  12/1934   4  02/1935  52.3 34 38.3 50  0.1  0.0 25.4  0.0
Ma 67.1 36.8 51.9  97  28/1934  21  02/1928  58.9 36 45.2 50  0.4  0.0  9.7  0.0
Jn 73.3 42.2 57.6 100  22/1936  25  04/1953  64.8 37 53.3 43  1.5  0.0  1.9  0.0
Jl 85.2 45.0 65.0 107  27/1934  30  07/1929  70.8 31 61.0 48  9.8  0.0  0.4  0.0
Au 83.7 42.3 63.0 108  04/1961  25  30/1924  72.1 31 59.3 24  8.0  0.0  1.1  0.0
Se 73.4 36.6 55.1 103  03/1950  12  30/1951  60.6 38 48.9 26  2.0  0.0  8.2  0.0
Oc 60.2 31.6 45.8  88  02/1935   2  31/1935  50.8 33 39.1 61  0.0  0.1 17.8  0.0
No 41.2 24.5 32.8  66  02/1930 -19  16/1955  43.0 34 26.0 61  0.0  2.2 25.9  0.3
De 33.9 19.5 26.7  68  25/1934 -25  09/1932  34.8 33 16.5 48  0.0  9.6 29.8  2.3
An 57.3 30.0 43.6 108 19610804 -44 19330209  46.2 40 41.1 62 21.8 31.1208.7 11.8
Wi 34.6 17.1 25.8  68 19341225 -44 19330209  35.5 34 15.6 49  0.0 27.5 88.2 10.4
Sp 55.4 28.9 42.3  97 19340528 -24 19550305  51.0 34 38.8 62  0.5  1.3 65.2  1.1
Su 80.7 43.1 61.9 108 19610804  25 19240830  66.8 31 58.9 62 19.4  0.0  3.5  0.0
Fa 58.3 30.9 44.6 103 19500903 -19 19551116  47.9 43 38.9 61  2.0  2.3 51.8  0.3
Station:(107049) PIERCE RANGER STN         From Year=1913 To Year=1962
Missing data not yet determined
       Total Precipitation       Precipitation  Total Snowfall  #Days Precip >=
    Mean   High--Yr    Low--Yr     1-Day Max    Mean   High-Yr .01 .10 .50 1.00"
Ja  4.94  12.11  53   0.91  44   2.27  26/1920  32.7  94.1  50  17  13   3   1
Fe  4.28   9.14  40   0.34  20   1.43  02/1951  26.1  97.2  49  15  11   3   0
Ma  4.68   8.93  32   0.67  41   4.80  12/1939  19.7  70.0  55  16  12   3   0
Ap  3.53   6.99  58   1.09  49   1.45  23/1961   3.5  16.3  20  13   9   2   0
Ma  3.21   8.38  48   0.35  28   2.10  20/1957   0.5   7.0  16  13   8   2   0
Jn  2.88   6.61  23   0.04  19   2.47  01/1923   0.0   2.0  17  11   7   2   0
Jl  0.99   3.74  48   0.00  17   1.94  28/1948   0.0   0.0  14   4   3   1   0
Au  0.92   5.27  26   0.00  14   1.29  14/1925   0.0   0.0  14   5   2   1   0
Se  2.04   7.13  59   0.19  18   1.67  23/1945   0.0   1.0  26   7   5   1   0
Oc  3.42   7.94  51   0.43  52   2.00  22/1951   1.2  19.5  19  11   8   2   0
No  4.81  12.92  27   0.21  29   5.75  30/1948  10.5  40.5  61  14  10   3   1
De  5.49  14.88  33   1.10  13   2.70  22/1933  28.0 100.1  48  17  13   4   1
An 41.19  59.17  48  27.65  35   5.75 19481130 122.4 221.4  51 144 100  26   5
Wi 14.71  23.60  18   6.32  15   2.70 19331222  86.8 219.2  49  49  36   9   2
Sp 11.42  19.89  48   5.35  24   4.80 19390312  23.8  76.1  17  42  30   7   1
Su  4.79   9.16  54   1.06  17   2.47 19230601   0.0   2.0  17  20  12   3   1
Fa 10.27  21.73  27   1.57  36   5.75 19481130  11.8  46.0  61  32  23   7   2