For monthly and annual means, thresholds, and sums:
 Months with  5 or more missing   days are not considered
 Years  with  1 or more missing months are not considered

Station:(107264) PORTHILL                 
From Year=1948 To Year=1999                                   #Day-Max #Day-Min
       Averages         Daily Extremes         Mean Extremes   >=   =<   =<  =<
    Max  Min Mean  High---Date  Low---Date   High-Yr  Low-Yr   90   32   32   0
Ja 32.1 16.9 24.5  53  09/1953 -31  30/1950  36.5 53  7.5 50  0.0 13.7 29.1  4.1
Fe 38.4 21.2 29.8  57  21/1988 -29  01/1950  36.7 91 19.8 89  0.0  5.3 26.0  1.6
Ma 46.9 26.1 36.5  68  29/1966 -17  05/1955  42.3 92 28.4 65  0.0  1.2 25.3  0.4
Ap 58.8 33.2 46.0  84  25/1977  15  19/1951  50.1 94 42.1 75  0.0  0.0 14.5  0.0
Ma 68.4 40.5 54.5  94  26/1986  17  01/1954  60.6 58 49.6 84  0.2  0.0  2.9  0.0
Jn 74.6 46.9 60.7  97  25/1992  28  04/1998  66.2 92 55.5 81  1.2  0.0  0.1  0.0
Jl 82.2 50.3 66.2 100  18/1960  35  04/1962  72.2 85 59.9 93  6.4  0.0  0.0  0.0
Au 81.5 48.3 64.9 101  06/1998  32  27/1962  70.2 58 59.7 80  5.8  0.0  0.0  0.0
Se 71.5 40.6 56.0  97  04/1998  24  19/1957  63.1 67 50.6 65  0.6  0.0  3.1  0.0
Oc 56.2 32.6 44.4  80  01/1952  11  28/1991  48.2 88 41.9 49  0.0  0.1 15.9  0.0
No 41.4 26.3 33.8  67  07/1978 -18  16/1959  41.2 54 21.6 85  0.0  3.6 23.0  0.5
De 33.8 20.2 27.0  59  27/1980 -37  30/1968  34.0 79 16.6 83  0.0 12.2 28.9  1.8
An 57.1 33.6 45.4 101 19980806 -37 19681230  48.4 98 43.2 55 14.2 36.0168.8  8.5
Wi 34.8 19.4 27.1  59 19801227 -37 19681230  33.5 53 17.1 49  0.0 31.2 84.0  7.5
Sp 58.0 33.2 45.6  94 19860526 -17 19550305  49.1 87 40.8 55  0.2  1.2 42.6  0.4
Su 79.4 48.5 64.0 101 19980806  28 19980604  68.0 58 60.9 76 13.4  0.0  0.1  0.0
Fa 56.3 33.2 44.7  97 19980904 -18 19591116  47.9 98 38.4 85  0.6  3.6 42.0  0.5
Station:(107264) PORTHILL                  From Year=1948 To Year=1999
Missing data not yet determined
       Total Precipitation       Precipitation  Total Snowfall  #Days Precip >=
    Mean   High--Yr    Low--Yr     1-Day Max    Mean   High-Yr .01 .10 .50 1.00"
Ja  2.34   4.97  54   0.25  85   1.12  09/1983  19.5  93.5  54  11   8   1   0
Fe  1.69   4.15  57   0.26  64   1.23  21/1956   8.5  42.0  49   9   6   1   0
Ma  1.52   3.29  97   0.28  65   1.12  05/1964   4.4  23.5  51  10   5   0   0
Ap  1.33   2.22  55   0.32  77   0.95  24/1996   0.3  10.0  53   9   5   0   0
Ma  1.81   6.63  98   0.15  50   1.97  27/1998   0.1   3.0  61  10   6   1   0
Jn  1.94   4.64  81   0.28  73   1.49  10/1958   0.0   0.0  49  11   6   1   0
Jl  1.09   3.28  86   0.10  62   0.87  11/1986   0.0   0.0  49   7   4   0   0
Au  1.27   3.97  51   0.00  55   1.50  30/1951   0.0   0.0  48   7   4   1   0
Se  1.35   3.75  59   0.02  90   1.10  14/1959   0.0   0.0  48   8   4   1   0
Oc  1.59   4.70  50   0.03  52   0.97  30/1950   0.3   6.0  57  10   5   0   0
No  2.64   6.09  60   0.44  52   1.60  20/1960   6.2  26.8  96  13   8   1   0
De  2.53   5.08  96   0.42  78   1.20  09/1956  15.8  51.9  96  12   8   1   0
An 21.10  30.17  96  13.43  52   1.97 19980527  55.1 143.0  50 117  69   8   1
Wi  6.56  11.07  74   2.14  77   1.23 19560221  43.8 137.5  50  33  21   3   0
Sp  4.67  10.05  98   1.72  52   1.97 19980527   4.8  23.5  51  29  16   1   0
Su  4.30   8.20  81   1.33  73   1.50 19510830   0.0   0.0  49  24  14   2   0
Fa  5.58   9.14  96   0.89  52   1.60 19601120   6.5  30.8  96  30  18   2   0