For monthly and annual means, thresholds, and sums:
 Months with  5 or more missing   days are not considered
 Years  with  1 or more missing months are not considered

Station:(107320) POWELL                   
From Year=1962 To Year=1999                                   #Day-Max #Day-Min
       Averages         Daily Extremes         Mean Extremes   >=   =<   =<  =<
    Max  Min Mean  High---Date  Low---Date   High-Yr  Low-Yr   90   32   32   0
Ja 32.2 15.6 23.9  50  30/1984 -28  01/1979  32.0 94 12.4 79  0.0 13.1 30.9  4.6
Fe 38.7 17.9 28.3  64  29/1988 -25  04/1989  34.8 91 19.9 89  0.0  5.1 28.2  2.2
Ma 45.6 22.5 34.0  74  31/1994 -12  18/1965  41.1 92 26.7 65  0.0  1.5 30.5  0.7
Ap 53.8 28.1 40.9  87  28/1987   8  20/1982  46.7 87 34.8 75  0.0  0.0 25.5  0.0
Ma 64.4 34.0 49.2  96  31/1986  20  02/1969  54.8 93 43.1 75  0.4  0.0 13.3  0.0
Jn 72.7 41.3 57.0  99  25/1970  24  05/1999  63.3 86 52.9 99  1.9  0.0  1.6  0.0
Jl 82.4 44.4 63.4 102  11/1973  28  07/1971  69.0 98 56.4 93  7.5  0.0  0.2  0.0
Au 82.2 42.7 62.4 105  24/1969  21  25/1992  67.6 71 58.1 80  7.9  0.0  0.7  0.0
Se 71.6 36.1 53.8 102  03/1988  18  29/1985  60.2 90 47.2 65  1.3  0.0  8.7  0.0
Oc 57.9 29.2 43.5  88  02/1992   2  29/1971  50.4 88 39.4 85  0.0  0.1 23.5  0.0
No 40.0 23.8 31.9  67  02/1987 -12  23/1985  36.4 65 22.8 85  0.0  3.6 27.6  0.7
De 31.4 16.2 23.8  47  12/1988 -31  22/1990  28.7 66 14.1 90  0.0 14.5 30.7  2.6
An 56.1 29.3 42.7 105 19690824 -31 19901222  44.9 98 40.6 75 18.9 37.9221.6 10.8
Wi 34.1 16.6 25.3  64 19880229 -31 19901222  29.9 81 19.1 79  0.0 32.6 89.8  9.4
Sp 54.6 28.2 41.4  96 19860531 -12 19650318  45.7 92 36.1 75  0.4  1.5 69.4  0.7
Su 79.1 42.8 60.9 105 19690824  21 19920825  63.5 70 56.5 93 17.2  0.0  2.5  0.0
Fa 56.5 29.7 43.1 102 19880903 -12 19851123  47.6 63 37.0 85  1.3  3.7 59.8  0.7
Station:(107320) POWELL                    From Year=1962 To Year=1999
Missing data not yet determined
       Total Precipitation       Precipitation  Total Snowfall  #Days Precip >=
    Mean   High--Yr    Low--Yr     1-Day Max    Mean   High-Yr .01 .10 .50 1.00"
Ja  5.74  11.52  71   0.90  81   1.80  10/1989  52.6 133.0  64  20  14   4   1
Fe  3.75   9.95  72   1.01  73   2.63  07/1996  28.7  59.0  66  15  10   2   0
Ma  3.20   7.03  72   0.65  69   1.58  01/1999  20.6  85.0  64  16  10   1   0
Ap  2.74   6.99  92   0.39  77   2.13  20/1965   7.5  29.6  82  15   9   1   0
Ma  2.87   5.93  84   1.38  79   1.73  26/1980   1.0   7.0  67  14   9   1   0
Jn  3.05   7.48  81   0.73  77   2.00  14/1994   0.0   0.0  63  14   8   2   0
Jl  1.46   4.14  92   0.05  67   1.25  03/1995   0.0   0.0  63   8   5   1   0
Au  1.60   4.35  64   0.00  94   1.32  24/1975   0.0   0.0  62   8   5   1   0
Se  2.29   5.94  85   0.13  79   1.80  11/1962   0.0   0.5  83   9   6   1   0
Oc  2.92   7.91  67   0.02  87   1.75  31/1997   2.1  19.0  84  11   7   2   0
No  4.81  13.68  95   0.79  79   2.30  30/1995  19.8  72.6  73  17  12   3   1
De  5.26  12.65  64   0.84  86   2.73  23/1964  43.3 115.0  96  19  13   3   1
An 39.69  52.44  64  23.03  87   2.73 19641223 175.8 415.0  64 165 106  23   4
Wi 14.75  27.78  72   5.39  87   2.73 19641223 124.7 241.7  72  53  37   9   2
Sp  8.81  12.70  84   5.27  73   2.13 19650420  29.2 111.0  64  44  27   4   1
Su  6.11   9.82  81   2.84  67   2.00 19940614   0.0   0.0  63  30  17   3   0
Fa 10.01  21.88  95   2.55  87   2.30 19951130  21.9  72.6  73  38  25   6   1