Eastern Idaho Guidebook:
Guidebook to the Geology of Eastern Idaho

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Guidebook to the Geology of Eastern Idaho

About the Guidebook: Information about the Guidebook to the Geology of Eastern Idaho.

Proterozoic & Paleozoic, Stratigraphy & Structure: Chapter One
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Paper 1 The Yellowjacket is Not the Prichard and Other Heresies: Belt Supergroup Correlations, Structure and Paleogeography, East-Central Idaho by Don Winston, Paul Karl Link, and Nate Hathaway.
Paper 2 Neoproterozoic Conglomerate and Breccia in the Formation of Leaton Gulch, Grouse Peak, Northern Lost River Range, Idaho: Relation to Beaverhead Impact Structure by Jennifer Carr and Paul Karl Link.
Paper 3 Devonian Stratigraphy in East-Central Idaho: New Perspectives from the Lemhi Range and Bayhorse Area by George W. Grader and Carol M. Dehler.
Paper 4
Brachiopod Paleontology and Paleoecology of the Lower Mississippian Lodgepole Limestone in Southeastern Idaho by Ann M. Christensen.

Cenozoic Tectonism: Chapter Two
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Paper 5 Folded and Faulted Salt Lake Formation Above the Miocene to Pliocene New Canyon and Clifton Detachment Faults, Malad and Bannock Ranges, Idaho: Field Trip Guide to the Deep Creek Half Graben and Environs by Susanne U. Janecke and Jeffrey C. Evans.
Paper 6 The Putnam Thrust Plate, Idaho Dismemberment and Tilting by Tertiary Normal Faults by Karl S. Kellogg, David W. Rodgers, Frank R. Hladky, Mark A. Kiessling, and James W. Riesterer.
Paper 7 Neogene-Quaternary Tectonics and Volcanism of Southern Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho by David R. Lageson, David C. Adams, Lisa Morgan, Kenneth L. Pierce, and Robert B. Smith.
Paper 8 Seismic Hazard Susceptibility in Southwestern Montana: Comparison at Dillon and Bozeman by Arleen A. Hill and Mervin J. Bartholomew.

Snake River Plain: Chapter Three
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Paper 9 Mafic Volcanism and Environmental Geology of the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho by Scott S. Hughes, Richard P. Smith, William R. Hackett, and Steven R. Anderson.
Paper 10 Cedar Butte and Cogenetic Quaternary Rhyolite Domes of the Eastern Snake River Plain by Michael McCurry, William R. Hackett, and Karl Hayden.
Paper 11 Secondary Deformation Within the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff and Subjacent Pliocene Units Near the Teton Dam: Road Log to the Regional Geology of the Eastern Margin of the Snake River Plain, Idaho by Glenn F. Embree and Roger D. Hoggan.

Quaternary Geology: Chapter Four
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Paper 12 Glacial Geology of the Southeastern Sawtooth Mountains by Jennifer A. Borgert, Kari A. Lundeen, and Glenn D. Thackray.
Paper 13 Fluvial Terraces along the Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho, and their Relation to Glaciation, Landslide Dams, and Incision Rates: A Preliminary Analysis and River-mile Guide by Grant A. Meyer and Matt E. Leidecker.
Paper 14 LateQuaternary History of the Beaverhead River Canyon, Southwestern Montana by Mervin J. Bartholomew, Sharon E. Lewis, Gail S. Russell, Michael C. Stickney, Edith M. Wilde, and Stephen A. Kish.
Paper 15 Field Guide to Pleistocene Lakes Thatcher and Bonneville and the Bonneville Flood, Southeastern Idaho by Paul Karl Link, Darrell S. Kaufman, and Glenn D. Thackray.

Regional Geology: Chapter Five
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Paper 16 Guide to the Southeast Idaho Phosphate District by Ray M. Petrun.
Paper 17 Regional Geology and Fossil Sites from Pocatello to Montpelier, Freedom, and Wayan, Southeastern Idaho and Western Wyoming by David E. Fortsch and Paul Karl Link.
Paper 18 Geology of East-Central Idaho: Geologic Roadlogs for the Big and Little Lost River, Lemhi, and Salmon River Valleys by Paul Karl Link and Susanne U. Janecke.
Paper 19 Field Guide Along the Northern Edge of the Eastern Snake River Plain, and the Lemhi and Beaverhead Mountain Ranges Bordering Birch Creek Valley, Idaho by Kathleen B. Price, Glenn Embree, Roger Hoggan, and Steve Hansen.