This self-service building provides guests with a number of useful posters and information including: a self-guided tour map of the facility; an introduction to summer chinook salmon, and the current issues they confront; some basics of the salmon life cycle and migrations; and an overview of the McCall hatchery process.
Also helpful, the Visitor's Center is where you'll find access to restroom facilities.
If you still have questions and can't find any hatchery staff on the grounds, try knocking on the office door.McCall Picnic Area Stop #2
The area includes the whole hillside behind the Visitor's Center, and down to the settling pond area.
The spot provides a wonderful vantage point for overlooking the hatchery facilities, as well as the scenic Payette River.
McCall Hatchery Office Stop #3
The building is located just to the southwest of the Visitor's Center.
It is best not to just "wander in" however, as the structure is also home to a dormitory for seasonal staff.
McCall Private Residences Stop #4
These are home to year-round hatchery personnel, and their families.
Guests are asked not to intrude upon the privacy of this portion of the hatchery grounds.