The GIS Primer application available on the Atlas CD-ROM, as well as many of the GIS coverages, require "unzipping" prior to installation. WinZip or pkunzip software is needed to unzip the files to the user's hard drive. We recommend unzipping to the c:\temp folder (default). If you do not have unzipping software:
is freeware. Go to the WinZip web site for downloads:
Also, a good tutorial on getting and using WinZip and zipped files is available
at the Sooner City web site:
PKWARE offers pkzip shareware downloads from their web site
To download/install
unzipping software:
1. Use this links above to access your preferred version of unzipping software
2. Select the appropriate software type and version for your system, and
save it to your desktop
3. Once you have saved the file exit ALL
applications you may have running (including any phone/FAX centers)
4. Double click on the file icon (located on you desktop) and your computer
should take you through the installation process