Response Functions - What Factors Affect Response Functions?
System response is controlled by the physical characteristics of the system.  The stream depletion effects resulting from pumping a given well will be controlled by:
1) the proximity of the stream and well,
2) the degree to which the stream and aquifer are interconnected (see Surface Water/Ground Water Interaction ),
3) the distribution of aquifer properties such as transmissivity and storativity,
4) layering of the aquifer and the depth and open interval of the well,
5) the distance to other hydraulically connected surface water bodies within the same aquifer, and
6) the distance to low-permeability aquifer boundaries. 

Obviously, the estimation of response functions can become very complicated.  Since we never fully understand the characteristics and physical properties of the aquifer, generated response functions represent only an approximation of actual system response.  The reliability of estimated response functions depends on the degree of complication of the real system and the degree to which we understand and represent the complexities in the method we choose to calculate response functions.  There are several ways, with varying levels of accuracy, to calculate response functions.  These are described in the section on "How are Response Functions Determined?".  Regardless, our understanding of the real system and our estimates of response functions are far from perfect.

Information supplied by Idaho Water Resource Research Institute, University of Idaho December 1998
Authors: Dr. Gary Johnson, Donna Cosgrove, and Mark Lovell.
Graphics: Sherry Laney and Mark Lovell
All State of Idaho images and graphics created with GIS files obtained through Idaho Department of Water Resources Public Domain GIS unless otherwise noted.
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