Caribou National Forest
Southeastern Idaho - U.S. Forest Service

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You are a biology teacher at McCammon, Idaho.  While on a field trip to, some of your students point out the following animals to you.  Because you are the teacher, you have to help them identify the species.  However, you don't want to just tell them which species they are, you also want to show them which of the identifying characteristics are best for distinguishing that species.  Use the following pictures to identify the species and list the major characteristics you used to identify them.
Species 1: 
This species was alongside the trail in the creek edge nectaring on water cress.  The caterpillars of this species eat willow, cottonwood, poplar, serviceberry, and ocean spray.  Adults feed on tree sap, flower nectar and rotting carrion.
Species 2:
One of your students captures this animal basking on some nearby rocks.  Which species is this and what characteristics did you use to identify it?

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