In addition to Niagara Springs Hatchery, Niagara Springs supplies water to Rim View Trout Company, IDFG Niagara Springs Wildlife Management Area, and Pugmire State Park. Niagara Springs flow volume has been declining yearly, as have most springs along this part of the Snake River. Also, there is a noticeable decline in water volume that coincides with the start of irrigation season in the spring of the year. Niagara Springs total flow is approximately 220 cubic feet per second (cfs), which is divided into water rights by the four users. Niagara Springs Hatchery has a water right of 132 cfs. Water temperature is a constant 59º degrees Fahrenheit and flows by gravity to the incubators, nursery vats, fire hydrants, raceways, and irrigation system.
The Niagara Springs Hatchery, constructed in 1966, is located in the Hagerman Valley, 10 miles south of Wendell, Idaho in the Snake River Canyon. Click here to look at a road map of the area. The goal of the hatchery is to rear 400,000 pounds of steelhead trout each year. Currently, 200,000 pounds are used to enhance the steelhead run below Hells Canyon Dam in the Snake River, and 200,000 pounds are stocked into the Salmon River drainage to provide a quality sports fishery in these waters. 2,000 adults, half male and half female, are collected from these drainages from the generation returning to spawn. These adults are shipped to the Oxbow and Pahsimeroi Hatcheries (1,000 each) where eggs are collected, fertilized and incubated through the "eyed egg" stage. Eggs are then shipped to the Niagara Springs Hatchery where the rearing process continues. |
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on the aerial photograph of Niagara Springs hatchery to take a virtual
tour of the facility: |
Receive steelhead eggs and fry | May to mid July | |
Incubate steelhead eggs | May to mid July | |
Early rearing in vats | mid May to mid-July | |
Final rearing in raceways | mid May to April (11mos.) | |
Release steelhead smolts | late March to early May |