the Flow of a Stream
grade levels: 7-12
view Idaho achievement standards for this lesson
1. Students will be exposed
to the Digital Atlas of Idaho.
2. Students will understand the concept of stream flow.
3. Students will learn how to take quantitative measurements.
Tape measure (meters) | Watch (with second hand) |
Meter sticks | Small ball or stick |
Clipboard with pen and paper |
1. Encourage students to
use the Surface Hydrology section Digital Atlas of Idaho. To get there: Click on Atlas Home, mouse-over Hydrology, then click on Ground
& Surface Water Concepts. Scroll down and encourage students to read
the section on Instantaneous Streamflow Measurement. This section will describe
how to measure streamflow.
2. Have a class discussion on the role of streams and their importance in watershed
systems. Also mention erosion, organisms influenced by streamflow, human influence,
3. Go outside with the class to give students the opportunity to have a hands-on
learning experience. Measure off a 30-meter section of a stream using a tape
4. Float an object (ball or stick) down the 30-meter section and time how long
it takes. Repeat two more times and take the average in meters per second. Record
all data on a clipboard.
5. Have the students measure the width of stream at three different places and
take the average. Use meters.
6. Measure the depth in meters on a line running perpendicular to the stream.
Measure in 5-8 locations and take the average.
7. Calculate stream flow using the equation given in the Digital Atlas. Be sure
to report your velocity, width, and depth as the averages calculated. Stream
Flow = Velocity X Width X Depth (Answer should be in cubic meters per second)
8. Have discussion on stream flow.
1. What did we measure?
2. What time of year is streamflow usually the highest?
3. How could we have measured streamflow more accurately?
These are links to access
the handouts and printable materials.
Ground & Surface
Water Concepts
Lesson Topics:
Hydrology: Hydrology Topics