Water, Rivers & Topography
grade levels: 9-12
Idaho achievement standards for this lesson
Answer these questions below:
1. Rivers and drainages:
a. Using the Eastern
Idaho and Southeastern
Idaho drainage and mountain range maps, inspect the courses of the major
b. Which direction do most of the rivers south of the Snake
River flow until they reach the Snake River? What about the Portneuf and the
Bear Rivers? Which way are they flowing? What caused this unusual drainage pattern?
c. What rivers north of the Snake River flow south and join
with it, and which do not? If they do not flow into the Snake River where do
they flow?
2. The Yellowstone
Hot Spot:
a. The Hot Spot is now north and east of the Snake River Plain
and forms a topographic high. Rivers flow away from Yellowstone. Now imagine
that the Yellowstone Hot Spot is near Pocatello. How would the hypothetical
presence of a topographic high like Yellowstone at Pocatello affect the rivers
that now flow into the Snake River near Pocatello? Visit drainage development
to find the answers.
3. "Natural
Landscaping". The landscape near Pocatello was dramatically modified in just
a few weeks fifteen thousand years ago. Visit the Lake Bonneville Flood to answer
these questions:
a. Where did the water come from?
b. Where did it go?
c. What major changes to the landscape were caused by the
Bonneville flood?
d. Could we have another Bonneville flood? What conditions
would have to exist for this to occur?
Lesson Topics:
Hydrology: Hydrology Topics