Geologic Units
Quaternary alluvial deposits |
Quaternary windblown deposits, dunes, loess
Quaternary surficial cover, fluveolian cover
on Snake River Plain, alluvial fans (Snake River Group) |
Bonneville Flood gravels |
Lake Bonneville deposits |
Pleistocene basalt lava |
Pliocene and Upper Miocene stream and lake
deposits (Salt Lake Formation, Starlight Formation, Idaho Group) |
Triassic sedimentary rocks |
Oligocene volcanics |
Permian sedimentary rocks |
Permian and Pennsylvanian sedimentary rocks |
Devonian sedimentary rocks |
sedimentary rocks |
Silurian sedimentary
rocks |
Silurian and Ordovician sedimentary rocks |
Ordovician sedimentary rocks |
Ordovician and Cambrian sedimentary rocks |
Cambrian sedimentary
rocks |
Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (includes roof pendants
near Stanley) |
Cambrian to Neoproterozoic Brigham Group |
Pocatello Formation |
Map Key |
Geologic units with unit designation. |
Normal Fault: certain; dashed where approximately located;
dotted where concealed. |
Thrust Fault: certain; dashed where approximately located;
dotted where concealed. |
Detachment Fault: certain; dashed where approximately
located; dotted where concealed. |
Interstate Route. |
U.S. Route. |
State Route. |
of Rockwalk rock from the county. |
Cities. |
Feature location. |
Bannock County
Bannock County straddles the boundary between the Basin and Range, Idaho-Wyoming
thrust belt, and Snake River Plain. There are extensive discussions of
the geology of Bannock County, including Marsh Valley and Lava Hot Springs
in Rocks, Rails and Trails.
Bannock County contains folded and thrust-faulted Neoproterozoic and
Paleozoic strata in the Bannock and Portneuf Ranges. The intervening Marsh
Valley is a Miocene to recent feature, bounded by a normal fault on the
east side.
The Basalt of Portneuf Valley flowed down the Portneuf River path about
600,000 years ago, and now forms inverted topography in the middle of
Marsh Valley.
The Lake Bonneville flood broke out at Red Rock Pass in southern Bannock
County about 14,500 years ago and flowed north through Marsh Valley and
Portneuf Narrows before is spread out in the Pocatello area as it emptied
onto the Snake River Plain. Flood boulders are distinctive landscape elements
in the Pocatello and Chubbuck areas.
See Geology and regional sections of Rocks, Rails and Trails.
P.K. Link, 10/02
Additional Reading
Rocks Rails and Trails: pages
Introduction to the Geology of South
& East Idaho ,
Introduction to Geologic Diagrams,
Geologic cross sections,
Relations between Geology, Topography
and Drainage Systems in Idaho,
Drainage and mountain range map for
eastern Idaho.,
Table of Geologic Events in Southern
Drainage Systems, Rails and Trails,
Geologic Provinces along the Oregon
Rocks of the Eastern Idaho Mountains,
Southeast Idaho Phosphate Mining,
The Thrust Belt of Southeastern
Views of Thrust Faults,
Basin and Range Faulting,
Challis Volcanic Group & Intrusive
Lake Bonneville and its Flood,
The Lake Bonneville Flood in the
Pocatello Area,
Disposal of Wastes at the Idaho
National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory,
References on Idaho Geology,
Section 3, History of Eastern Idaho,
Section 3, Chapter 8 -"Famous
Potatoes" Agriculture & Irrigation
Section 4, Chapter 12 -Gem
Valley & Chesterfield ,
Lava Hot Springs and the Portneuf
Section 4, Chapter 14 -Cache
Valley ,
Bear River Landslide Complex,
Section 4, Chapter 16 -Marsh
Valley ,
Section 4, Chapter 17 -Inkom
& the Portneuf Narrows ,
Pocatello: The Gate City ,
Pocatello: The Gate City ,
Section 6, Chapter 21 - American
Falls Area
Geologic Guidebook to Southeast Idaho: The
Putnam Thrust plate